

(星島) 03 16 星期日 05:30AM


星島日報    報道)西藏    拉薩市發生近二十年來最嚴重暴亂後,昨天市面氣氛持續緊張,軍警全面實行交通管制,並大規模搜捕不法分子,政府更呼籲犯罪分子在周一晚十二時以前投案自首。官方稱事件造成十人死亡,都是被暴亂分子燒死或打死,並稱騷亂已經逐漸平息;但海外西藏流亡組織稱有逾百抗議人士被殺。


全市癱瘓 武警守要道

經過連日的喧嘩與騷動,昨日拉薩市面裝甲車及坦克車到處巡邏,濃煙、石塊、叫喊、狂奔散盡後的著名八廓街一帶街區,顯得安靜,強烈的陽光下,馬路邊被摧殘的攤位貨架、破損的商店玻璃櫥窗、汽車遭焚燒的黑印,顯得格外刺目。拉薩街道實施交通管制,北京    中路、朵森格路、藏熱路等主要城市交通主幹道,有大批武警及解放軍    駐守,氣氛相當緊張。警察嚴格檢查市區內的車輛,不僅檢查駕駛證、身分證等,還檢查汽車後備箱及可疑物品,拉薩市區所有街道兩邊的商鋪基本上都關門,市中心一些商鋪被燒毀後還在冒煙。


呼籲暴民自首 獎勵檢舉




昨日報道,騷亂事件中,有十人死亡,均為無辜群眾,且被活活燒死,死者中有酒店服務員及兩名商鋪老闆,軍警則在火場救出五百多名人士,包括三名日本    遊客。報道稱這兩名商人是被不法分子用雙管獵槍射殺,不法分子原計昨日抬屍遊行,但由於局勢被政府完全控制沒有得逞。路透社則引述目擊者表示,見到一具警察屍體。





Tibetan Says Cars on Fire in Lhasa

BEIJING (AP) — Police cars were set on fire Friday in the center of Lhasa as hundreds of people joined in the latest protest by monks against Chinese rule in Tibet, a Tibetan woman said.

"The police cars were set on fire in the center of city," said the woman, who has family in the city.

The violence was the latest in a series of protests inside and outside Tibet which have put an unwelcome spotlight on China's policies in Tibet in the lead-up to this summer's Olympic games in Beijing. Tibetan exiles have also held high-profile protests in northern India.

The violence comes as Buddhist monks started a hunger strike and two others attempted suicide as troops surrounded monasteries in a government crackdown on the widespread protests, a U.S-funded radio service said.

The woman said monks set the police cars on fire after a demonstration near a small temple in Lhasa was stopped by police. She said the protest was still going on.

"The monks are still protesting. Police and army cars were burned. There are people crying," said the woman. "Hundreds of people, including monks and civilians are in the protest."

Tensions in the Tibetan capital have increased in recent days as the city's three biggest monasteries were sealed off by thousands of soldiers and armed police amid the largest protests in nearly two decades.

Officials who answered phones at police and Communist Party offices in Tibet on Friday said they had no information about the violence and refused to comment

Radio Free Asia said two monks from the Drepung monastery on the outskirts of Lhasa were in critical condition after slashing their wrists Thursday.

"There are many other monks who hurt themselves in desperation," an unnamed source told RFA.

Monks at a second major monastery launched a hunger strike Thursday to demand that armed police withdraw from the monastery grounds and detained monks be released, RFA reported.

"The monks in Sera Monastery are observing a hunger strike inside the premises," an unidentified source told RFA. "They vowed not to eat or sleep unless their demands are met."

Large-scale demonstrations that began Monday have spread to a third monastery, Ganden, in the Lhasa area, as well as the Reting monastery north of the city, according to RFA and the London-based International Campaign for Tibet.

The ICT said monks from the Ganden monastery mounted protests Thursday, becoming the last of the three historically important monasteries known as the "Three Pillars of Tibet" to join in the demonstrations.

Thousands of troops and armed police in Lhasa have placed the three monasteries under a virtual lockdown, according to the ICT and other witnesses. The monasteries have been sealed off to tourists, tour operators told the ICT.

Beijing maintains that Tibet is historically a part of China. But many Tibetans argue the Himalayan region was virtually independent for centuries and accuse China of trying to crush Tibetan culture by swamping it with Han people, the majority Chinese ethnic group.

It is extremely difficult to get independent verification of events in Tibet since China maintains rigid control over the area. Foreigners need special travel permits, and journalists are rarely granted access except under highly controlled circumstances.

The protests by the Buddhist monks began Monday, the anniversary of the failed 1959 Tibetan uprising against Beijing rule.

In northern India, organizers say more than 100 Tibetan exiles began a two-week detention after police arrested them during a march to their homeland to protest China's hosting of the Olympic Games.

March coordinator Tenzin Palkyi said Friday the exiles are being kept in detention in a state-run hotel while authorities investigate the charges of threatening the "peace and tranquility" of the region.

Local officials were not immediately available for comment.



Shops on fire amid Tibet protests
Monks protesting at Sera monastery (image: eyewitness John), 12/03
Monks began to protest on the streets of Lhasa earlier this week
Fires have broken out in the Tibetan city of Lhasa amid reports of rioting, as rare street protests led by Buddhist monks appeared to gather pace.

One eyewitness told the BBC how large groups of people were setting fire to cars and shops and destroying anything of Chinese influence.

The US embassy in Beijing said US citizens had reported hearing gunfire.

Rallies have continued all week in what are thought to be the largest protests against Beijing's rule in 20 years.

Tibet's spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama, released a statement expressing deep concern, saying the protests were a "manifestation of the deep-rooted resentment of the Tibetan people".

The Dalai Lama, who heads Tibet's government-in-exile in India, called on the Chinese leadership to stop using force and begin dialogue with the Tibetan people.

He also urged Tibetans not to resort to violence.

"As I have always said, unity and stability under brute force is at best a temporary solution. It is unrealistic to expect unity and stability under such a rule," the statement said.

Tear gas

The US-based International Campaign for Tibet (ICT) said at least one police car had been set on fire on Friday.

ICT spokeswoman Kate Saunders said her group had received reports that the Tromsikhang market in Barkhor Street - a busy commercial neighbourhood - was either on fire or had burnt down.

Tibet map
China says Tibet always part of its territory
But Tibet enjoyed long periods of autonomy before 20th century
In 1950, China launched a military assault
Opposition to Chinese rule led to bloody uprising in 1959
Tibet's spiritual leader the Dalai Lama fled to India

"It seems that lay people have now become involved in the protests," she said.

An eyewitness told the BBC there was a thick pall of smoke hanging over the city.

Another eyewitness said security forces and monks had clashed on Wednesday and several monks were beaten.

He said about 300 monks had tried to leave the Sera monastery to protest but security forces brandishing clubs stopped them and at least one monk was beaten to the ground.

The protests began earlier this week, when a number of monks were reportedly arrested after a march marking the 49th anniversary of a Tibetan uprising against Chinese rule.

Hundreds of monks took to the streets to demand their release - and reports say tear gas was used to disperse them.

The police were reported to have sealed off the city's three main monasteries on Thursday.

Correspondents say there is growing evidence that protests against Chinese rule are intensifying, despite assurances by Beijing on Thursday that the situation was under control.

China says Tibet has always been part of its territory, though Tibet enjoyed long periods of autonomy before the twentieth century, and many Tibetans remain loyal to the Dalai Lama, who fled in 1959 and currently lives in exile in India.




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