Honorably as a member of ARMANIAN,
I will attend the "social interaction" international conference in Germany this summer!

Though claiming to learn the local culture and specifically the German language, the most important and our inborn mission of this conference will be the "Social Interaction" which especially emphasizes the relationship between different racial, gender, and so on.
Another thing to notice is that, one of the founder of ARMANIAN may show up in Germany during that period too! We may regard this summer as a reunion of ARMANIAN of different generations and bearing the same mission forwards.

The time and other details about my stay in Germany haven't been all confirmed yet.
Things are to be announced soon.
All ARMANIAN members and potential-ARMANIANs are welcome to join us!

Your time and effort in reading this is much appreciated.

Sincerely yours,
Milk Cow, from Medicholic department of ARMANIAN
Jan. 22, 2008

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